We made this fountain for one of our favorite customers. The fountain has been a popular project ever since Bruce Hirst produced the mold for it. It's difficult to improve on his design. His original can be found here: Hirst Arts
This is a ruin tower that we made and donated to the Alamo GT Warhammer tournament, hosted by Red Star Gaming. It was one of the items used in a raffle that supported the Children's Hospital.
We're also happy with our new photo studio. The black background seems to really result in some dramatic shots.
The final weeks are counting down quickly until the Knight Watch Games Grand Opening! We have receive a huge amount of support from the community. It amazes us that some many people who we have never met are offering to participate in the physical labor needed to finish the store. We have had over 18 people committed to helping and about 90 people interested and offering other type of help. That's so encouraging. When we talk to people, gamers and non-gamers alike, we have always receive reactions that border on amazement. We do our best in trying to describe the complete Knight Watch Games customer experience but we find its too grand to summarize in a few sentences. Even with our brief description, people respond with "I've always wanted a place like that to play in." We really look forward to meeting all these gamers and non-gamers.
Something we have heard, which we don't understand, is that some gamers (a select few, really) are actually not excited about Knight Watch Game's new business model. There are those who think the decorations, theme, immersion and "fluff" is an unnecessary expense. The admit they don't understand why we are expending all this effort to improve the gaming experience. The word "pretentious" has been associated with us, more than once. That's baffling.
We have come to understand that some gamers are satisfied with the status quo (minimal space, zero ambiance, stuffy atmosphere and claustrophobic retail areas.) This has been the norm for the hobby store industry for ages. Some people would even claim it has its own charm. But, what we hear when we talk with people about gaming stores is a severe displeasure in the execution of local game stores.
Even the best-run store in San Antonio receives some harsh criticism from the customer's point of view. Much of this displeasure is voiced from non-gamers, or the parents of gamers. They complain about rude employees, dirty stores, lack of help, bad language and product over-load.
When asked about the failings of local shops, gamers admit that plastic tables, cheap chairs and stinky bathrooms are nothing out of the ordinary and not a deterrent at all. Is that evidence that we gamers have lowered our expectations of stores mainly because that is what we are used to experiencing, whereas a non-gamer has a fresh perspective and walk away from their initial exposure with a bad taste in their mouth (literally)?
As the saying goes, "You can please some of the people all the time, but you can't please all the people all the time." So, we're going forward with our designs and the naysayers will have to cope.
Here are some pictures of the finished store (its never really finished). We are happy with the progress so far, and the feedback we have received from our customer, they are too.
During our Grand Opening, some great game demos by Mantic Games and Shawn Grubaugh. |
Some of the customers during our Grand Opening. So much energy! |
The wall behind the Nobles Table. |
Another shot during the Grand Opening. |
Once again, we want to illustrate the amazing work and generosity from the community. We have had customers donate their personal swords to the store! That's unheard of. Multiple games have been selflessly given. Labor, expertise and helpful advice prove that the gamers of San Antonio are some of the best people in the city. It also proves that Knight Watch's dream is a dream shared by so many others. We love that we can share this with all of you. Adventure Awaits!
Truly awesome people, Joey and Nicole! |
Absolutely essential to our success: Nate Skinner (our Sgt-at-Arms), Alan Boenig, and Bill "G-Pa" Tarvin! We owe so much to these fine gentlemen. |
The crew at the "Raising a castle event." No once, did anyone ask, "What's in it for me?" True generosity of time and effort from everyone here. |
Unorthodox retail space, and some unique merchandise. |
The Noble's Table with authentic chairs from a Danish castle. |
The expansive gaming library provided by Geek Out SA. Many games also donated to the store by our awesome customers. |
One of the private gaming rooms. This one known as the Dark Ages room. |
We look forward to a bright exciting future with our new friends.