Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stability breeds prosperity

Paraic and I are working tirelessly to realize our dream and our efforts are having a profound effect!

Not only are we in the final stages of acquiring a SBA loan, the location of our future retail hobby shop and tournament center is finalized!

In just over a month, Knight Watch Games, LLC will be the newest tenant in the Mission Oaks Shopping Center, located at 16350 Blanco Rd., just north of Bitters. Our new neighbors are welcoming and have already suggested cooperative efforts between our stores. One neighbor, X PC Gamer, offers products and services related to High Performance Gaming Computers and is owned and operated by a charismatic fellow named Roger who suggests hosting a LAN gaming day at our location. While our store will focus on tabletop role-playing and board games, we welcome the opportunity to host video gamers.

On a similar note, our new business relationship with Dungeon Crate is keeping us up to our elbows in plaster and paint. Dungeon Crate "went live" on January 7th, offering customers a monthly subscription box featuring products specific to tabletop gaming. In just 5 days, they have already acquired 300 subscribers! For Knight Watch Games, that means mass-production-mode. Balancing the production of our normal orders and 500 miniature fountains for the Dungeon Crate box. What a great problem to have! 

Having recently perfected the art of mold making, we are confident we can produce our most popular terrain creations in a more efficient manner. Not only does making a mold of an item expedite the building process, it increases the durability of the item by reducing the number of pieces held together by glue. 

Another benefit of creating our own molds is that it unleashes our creativity! Innovation has always been our passion and custom molds mean endless possibilities in the realm of miniature terrain making.

Our latest endeavor is to reinvent the flat, cardboard gaming tiles included in the Fantasy Flight game Imperial Assault. Our vision is to create 3D tiles using the Sci-fi molds from Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture, Inc. Our designs will include the spaceship interiors, urban buildings, forest and desert exteriors. Terminals, crates and and removable doors will be standard. We will also make radar stations, gun emplacements, and command stations. Every Imperial Assault tile will be reproduced with full fidelity to the original.

Another project is building terrain for our GEEK campaign, which is similar to the soon-to-be released Fantasy Flight game, Rebellion, and would include buildings, shield generators, radar stations, garrisons, docking stations and more.  We're excited to introduce the extensive rules for the campaign soon .  We are currently looking for someone to paint our collection of Imperial Assault miniatures as well as our D&D figures. If you know an artist, please send them our way. 

It hasn't all been work and no play...We both attended the latest Magic:TG pre-release and met some really cool people.  Paraic went on to get 5th place with a record of 3-1.  I won't mention how I did. (ed: 0-4)     We also entered a X Wing miniature tournament and our play records were more in my favor.  I won fourth with a record of 3-1 while Paraic held his own at 2-2.  Again, we met awesome people and had a great time.

Ohh, and we watched Star Wars, the Force Awakens for the second time.   Good Times.

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